
Current project:

Healthy Adventures.
Educational game that helps in the fight against the pandemic COVID-19.

As a result of a cooperation between InnovAid, Polish Government and the Conventual Franciscans a Wanda Matugga Health Center located in Matugga was created and has had started to work in 2019.

This game is an additional tool designed to help fight with the COVID-19 pandemic. By playing it You’ll learn what are the symptoms of the desease and how to stop spreading the virus. We hope You’ll enjoy it!

Play the game »

Healthy Adventures Logo

Previous project:

In 2017 we implement the project titled ‘Improving the quality of medical care for mothers and children in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region (SNNPR) in Ethiopia’ financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.

The project aims to improve the quality of maternal and child health in the area served by the health center in Wassera and four health posts in Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region. These facilities serve the area with a radius of 13 km, where about 25 thousands people have their homes.

Project details »

Polska Pomoc

Previous project:

Increasing the access to safe drinking water for the population of Nakasongola district in Central Uganda through the modernization of India Mark II pumps in 57 water wells.
The Project co-financed by the Polish development cooperation programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.

Polska Pomoc

InnovAid Foundation

Our foundation was intended to unite people, who do not consent to the amount of suffering, inequality and injustice in underdeveloped countries of the 21st century. There are not many of us, but we do our best to provide help to those in need. We strongly believe that where there`s a will there`s a way.

We are not afraid of challenges. Our imaginativeness knows no boundaries. We do not only encourage big ideas, but also put them into action. We disagree on dividing the world into the First and better one, the second – a little bit worse off, and the Third – the one that is backward.

We want a better world for all of us.

You can`t feed the whole world

We believe it`s better to provide a person with “a fishing rod” than with “a fish” itself. In other words, in the beginning we would like to create the infrastructure that will help developing regions to catch up with “the Old World”.

Our actions are based on the strategy for sustainable development. We are well aware of the fact that social and economical development will remain ostensible if it is not accompanied by the attention to the environmental issues. For this reason, all of our projects aim at protecting the natural environment as well.

Modern, environmentally friendly technologies are not only to provide help in everyday life, but also to inspire individual creativity and to encourage constant improvements.

Education should be available to all

It is not easy to manipulate an educated person as such a person knows his own value. When you are educated, you get a different, broader perspective on the world and you can use your own judgment. We`d like to help in imparting knowledge to places where, without modern technology, it can`t be transferred.

Using novel technological solutions, we want to help teachers and their students in developing countries to get in touch with their colleagues and peers from the developed parts of the world.

Without a sense of moral superiority

Doctors are worth their weight in gold

We want to help them to share their experience. We`d like to reach the places where there are no doctors, and where ill persons can`t afford consulting specialists. Innovative technologies can help the doctors in reaching their patients. No necessity for travelling thousands or just a few kilometres. On a regular basis. For free.

We are also looking for the doctors, who are “ready to go there” in order to examine and operate on patients, but also to administer supplying local hospitals in specialist medical equipment as well as training the local staff.

Your medical knowledge is precious. So are the lives of your patients.

Electrification – the issue of fundamental importance

Let us imagine the night sky, somewhere over the equator. The whole sky is starlit. You look up and you can see even the faintest stars and the most distant planets. You can admire them for as long as you like. There`s no earthly reason for them to fade. At the equator, you can`t come across the electric light too often.

Without electricity, there is nothing to light the roads. There are no household appliances, such as telephones, washing machines or electric cookers. Using solid-fuel stoves, more often than not, can cause burns. Whereas, cooking in badly ventilated rooms can cause respiratory illnesses. We want to change that.

The new technologies at hand!

Our team consists mainly of young persons, used to taking advantage of modern technologies on everyday basis.

It is obvious for us that we should make good use of them more often, as they are still not widely used in aid efforts.

We strongly believe that implementing innovative technologies can both enhance the quality of aid and accelerate it.

Water – the source of life and health

Today, the world is still full of families without access to piped water supplies at home. There are over 750 million people, who have to fetch water to cook, to wash, and to clean. Every day, on foot or by bike, they`ve got to find a working well, get their water from it and carry the water home. It is such a common sight that after a while you pay no special attention to women, and more often than not, children, even those young ones, carrying heavy water containers. And still, they are the lucky ones, because they live near to where a working well is…

Our first project concerns the water. We want to clear the Ugandan wells that are out of order. Then, in place of the wells, we are going to install modern, innovative modules, providing e.g. access to clean water.

Irrigation/ Sanitary Sewage System

According to the joint WHO and UNICEF report, issued on 13th May 2013, in 2015, one-third of the world`s population (approximately 2.4 billion of people) will remain without access to improved sanitation.

The report, entitled Progress on sanitation and drinking-water 2013 update, warns that “at the current rate of progress, the 2015 Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target of halving the proportion of the 1990 population without sanitation will be missed by 8% – or half a billion people.”

We`d be happy to hear your suggestions

We would welcome your view on the matter and discuss it, as long as the discussion concerns helping other people, supporting them in any extraordinary places, as well as employing modern technology.

We would like to encourage young people to take up the challenge of voluntary work. We know from our own experience how truly satisfactory is to work on a voluntary basis. This kind of work is demanding, but well worth the effort.

We want to invest in children and youth education. With the help of innovative technologies, we would like to create room for their activity, at the same time providing them with unlimited access to knowledge.

We want to support the disabled.

We want to care about the elderly.
